2016 Minutes

2016 Minutes

The most recent minutes will be at the top of this page, Scroll down to see previous minutes.




DECEMBER 12, 2016

The regular meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Monday, December 12, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Town Hall.

In attendance were Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, Terry Feiser, Barry Warrenfeltz, Rich Gaver, John Phillips, III, and Lorraine Smith.

Also in attendance was Brenda Haynes, Clerk-Treasurer.

A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.


Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Terry Feiser to approve the minutes. Unanimously approved.

Town Manager Appointment

The final steps to be taken on the Charter Amendment revision is the appointment of the town manager.

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded to Councilperson Lorraine Smith to change the wording of the clerk-treasurer position to town manager position and to continue having Brenda Haynes maintain that position. Unanimously approved.


Councilman Rich Gaver stated that the elevator upstairs is not working. An appointment will be made with the company to have the elevator repaired.

Motion was made by Councilman John Phillips, III, seconded by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz to change the color of the handicapped sign on the elevator door. Unanimously approved.

Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott stated that the Christmas Luncheon is scheduled for Friday, December 23rd at 11:00 a.m.

Councilman Rich Gaver stated that the Olde Tyme Christmas celebration went very well this year. Attendance and sales were down for the craft vendors.


Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman John Phillips, III to approve the bills. Unanimously approved.

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilperson Lorraine Smith to adjourn. Unanimously approved.


Brenda L. Haynes, Town Manager




NOVEMBER 14, 2016

The regular meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Monday, November 14, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Town Hall.

In attendance were Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr; Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, Terry Feiser, Barry Warrenfeltz, Rich Gaver, and Lorraine Smith.

Also in attendance were Julie Greene, Herald-Mail; and Brenda Haynes, Clerk-Treasurer.

A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.


Motion was made by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz, seconded by Councilman Rich Gaver to approve the minutes. Unanimously approved.

A count was taken for the next MML dinner to be hosted by the Town of Clear Spring on Monday, November 28, 2016. The meeting will be held at the Clear Spring American Legion located at 12335 Big Spring Road, Clear Spring.

The social hour will begin at 6:00 p.m. followed by the evening meal at 6:45 p.m. The menu for the evening will consist of steamed shrimp, prime rib, scalloped potatoes, green beans, garden salad, rolls and butter, dessert, ice tea and coffee,

The cost for this meal will be $25.00.

The evening program will focus on the upcoming 2017 legislative session, while the regular 50/50 drawing will be held.


Councilman Rich Gaver stated that the Olde Tyme Christmas event is coming along great. The upstairs will be decorated on Wednesday, December 7th. Any help is appreciated. Ms. Charlotte Miller will be the contact person for the craft show.

Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott stated that the parking lines in the parking lot are faded. She requested that the lines be restriped.

Assistant Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr. thanked everyone who helped with the Halloween Parade.


Motion was made by Councilperson Lorraine Smith, seconded by Councilperson Rich Gaver to pay the bills. Unanimously approved.

Motion was made by Councilman Lorraine Smith, seconded by Councilperson Rich Gaver to adjourn. Unanimously approved.


Brenda L. Haynes, Clerk-Treasurer




OCTOBER 24, 2016

The regular meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Monday, October 24, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Town Hall.

In attendance were Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr; Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, Terry Feiser, Barry Warrenfeltz, and John Phillips, III.

Also in attendance were Kert Shipway, Kery Swope, Lorraine Smith, Ed Kuczynski, Town Attorney, Brenda Haynes, Clerk-Treasurer, and Julie Greene, Herald-Mail.

A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.


Motion was made by Councilman John Phillips, III, seconded by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott to approve the minutes. Unanimously approved.

Albright Crumbacker Moul Itell – Audit Presentation

Mr. Kert Shipway, Partner with Albright Crumbacker Moul & Itell, LLC, and Mr. Kery Swope, Senior Accountant presented the annual audit report. The Town has a “clean, unqualified opinion.”

Pages 3 – 8 – Management’s Discussion and Analysis

Page 9 – Statement of Net Position

Page 10 – Statement of Activities

Capital Grants and Contributions line shows the elevator for $53,785, and POS projects for $36,618. Public works had an increase of $5,000. Property tax is the same as last year. Intergovernmental had an increase of $20,000 due to income tax revenue.

Page 11 – Balance Sheet for the General Fund

Page 13 – Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance for the Governmental Fund. This page is the Income Statement on Fund Level.

Page 15 – Statement of Net Position – Proprietary Fund (Water and Sewer). This page is the business type for the water and sewer fund.

Motion was made by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz, seconded by Councilman John Phillips, III to accept the annual audit report for fiscal year 2015-2016. Unanimously approved.

MDE Loan Approval

A water study was done looking for leaks in the Town. The study also included water meter replacements.

The Town applied to Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) for $400,000.

The Town received a letter from MDE dated September 27, 2016 stating that Maryland Water Quality Financing Administration has identified the project, Funkstown Water Meters Replacement Leak Repairs to Distribution for financing. The 2016 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) has approved a loan amount of $227,500. The Town is considered a disadvantaged community, so the current interest rate for being disadvantaged is 0.60%.

Motion was made by Councilman John Phillips, III, seconded by Councilman Terry Feiser to accept the loan amount of $227,500 from DWSRF for Water Meter Replacement Leak Repairs to the Distribution System. Unanimously approved.

Proposed Charter Amendments – Town Manager/Clerk-Treasurer

Mr. Ed Kuczynski, Town Attorney explained to the Mayor and Council the steps necessary to implement a Charter Amendment.

Pursuant to the provisions of the Annotated Code of Maryland, Local Government Article, Resolutions to amend the Charter are to be in a consecutively numbered series. This Resolution will be numbered 2016-1.

A complete and exact copy of the Resolution containing the proposed Amendment shall be posted at Town Hall for a period of at least forty (40) days following the adoption. The Mayor or Clerk should assume the responsibility of posting the Resolution immediately following passage.

The proposed Amendment must also be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipal corporation not less than four (4) times weekly within a period of at least forty (40) days after the adoption of the Resolution containing the proposed amendment.

The Amendment so proposed by the Mayor and Council according to the terms of the amendment and applicable law in all respects to be effective and observed as such, upon the passage of the fiftieth (50) day after being introduced and passed, unless on or before the fortieth (40) day after being so passed there shall be presented to the Mayor and Council of the municipal corporation or mailed to it by registered mail, a Petition for Referendum meeting applicable requirements as set forth in the Annotated Code of Maryland.

The Annotated Code of Maryland has specific requirements regarding the registration of all Charter Amendments with the Department of Legislative Reference and would seem to indicate that they are effective until registered with the Department of Legislative Reference. Accordingly, the Resolution should be mailed to the Department of Legislative Reference shortly after the expiration of the forty (40) day period in which the Resolution may be petitioned to Referendum The Attorney’s office will handle the transmittal of the Resolution to the Department of Legislative Reference as is customary. Resolution 2016-1 reads as follows: A Resolution of the Council of The Town of Funkstown to amend as same relate to the Clerk-Treasurer. Specifically, the Mayor and Council will appoint a Town Manager to organize, direct and supervise the administration of all departments, offices and agencies of the Town. The Town Manager shall also assume all duties previously performed by the Clerk-Treasurer (all fiscal and financial affairs for the Town and to serve as Chief Financial Officer for the Town). However, if the Mayor and Council determine not to make the responsibilities of the position of Clerk-Treasurer the responsibility of the Town Manager, then and in said event, the Mayor and Council shall appoint a Clerk-Treasurer whose duties will be to handle all fiscal and financial affairs of the Town and to be its Chief Financial Officer.

Motion was made by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, seconded by Councilman Terry Feiser to approve Resolution 2016-1. Unanimously approved.

Motion was made by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, seconded by Councilman Terry Feiser to have the Town Manager position continue also as Clerk-Treasurer position. Unanimously approved.


Motion was made by Councilman John Phillips, III, seconded by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz to pay the bills. Unanimously approved.

Motion was made by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, seconded by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz for the Mayor and Council to go into closed session. Unanimously approved.

Motion was made by Councilman John Phillips, III, seconded by Councilman Terry Feiser for the Mayor and Council to go back into open session. Unanimously approved.


Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott stated that the January 2017 MML Dinner will be held at the Elks Club in Hagerstown, Maryland.

Motion was made by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, seconded by Councilman John Phillips, III to adjourn. Unanimously approved.


Brenda L. Haynes, Clerk-Treasurer


No Mayor and Council meeting for August 2016.




JULY 11, 2016

The regular meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Monday, July 11, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Town Hall.

In attendance were Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr., Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, Terry Feiser, Barry Warrenfeltz, Rich Gaver, John Phillips, III, and J. D. Taylor.

Also in attendance were Rachel Nichols, Lorraine Smith, and Brenda Haynes, Clerk-Treasurer.

A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.


Motion was made by Councilman John Phillips III, seconded by Councilman Rich Gaver to approve the minutes. Unanimously approved.

Civil War Heritage Area

Ms. Rachel Nichols presented a lengthy discussion regarding the Civil War Heritage Area. There are a lot of reasons for the Town to become a member. Several workshops are available throughout the year.

If the Town is interested, a letter should be sent to Ms. Liz Shato stating the Town’s interest, and the pending Annexation of the proposed Artz farm to become additional park land. The Civil War Management Plan will need to be added to the Comprehensive Plan.

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman John Phillips, III to prepare a Resolution by the Mayor and Council of Funkstown to apply for the Civil War Heritage Area. Unanimously approved.

Waste Collection Bid Results

The bids for the Waste Collection for fiscal year July 1, 2016- June 30, 2017 are as follows:

Allied Waste Company                                 $55,523.28

Apple Valley Waste Company                         $51,452.00

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman John Phillips, III to accept Apple Valley Waste Company for $51,452.00 for fiscal year July 1, 2016- June 30, 2017. Unanimously approved.


Councilman J.D. Taylor stated that with regrets this meeting will be his last meeting as Councilman. He is officially resigning. He enjoyed his time as Councilman, but he is moving out of Funkstown.

Councilman John Phillips, III stated that the re-enactment starts this weekend. Applications are starting to come in. The Bussard family will be on vacation, so there will not be a party there this year.

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman J.D. Taylor to give Susie Hoffman $200 to help with the expenses for providing food. Unanimously approved. She makes a tremendous amount of food for the re-enactors.

The fireworks display will be very nice this year. Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott will help with registrations.

Councilman Rich Gaver stated that the car show is coming along for the Day In The Park event. The vendors are slowly coming in. A $20.00 donation goes to the Civil War Heritage. The Boy Scouts will help with the event. A rededication of the Henry Harp Plaque will be at 1:00 p.m.

Councilman Rich Gaver stated that he took 28 campers to Singoquipe this year.

Councilman Terry Feiser stated that he will help with the Re-enactment Friday after work.

Mayor Paul Crampton welcomed Lorraine Smith to the meeting. The Mayor and Council will consider Lorraine Smith to replace J.D. Taylor on the council. A decision will be made at next month’s meeting.

Motion was made by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, seconded by Terry Feiser to appoint Lance Crampton to the Planning Commission. Unanimously approved.


Motion was made by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, seconded by Councilman Rich Gaver to pay the bills. Unanimously approved.

Motion was made by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz, seconded by Councilman Rich Gaver to adjourn. Unanimously approved.


Brenda L. Haynes, Clerk-Treasurer




JUNE 13, 2016

The regular meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Monday, June 13, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Town Hall.

In attendance were Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr; Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, Terry Feiser, Barry Warrenfeltz, Rich Gaver, John Phillips, III; and J.D. Taylor.

Also in attendance was Brenda Haynes, Clerk-Treasurer.

A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.


Motion was made by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, seconded by Councilman Rich Gaver to approve the minutes. Unanimously approved.


A lengthy discussion was held regarding the fire company donation. The Mayor and Council had a general consensus to leave the original agreement as is.

There is a vacancy on the Appeals Board. The Mayor and Council agreed to move Rick Barnes from the Planning Commission to the Appeals Board.

Public Hearing

The meeting this evening is being called to order as a Public Hearing by the Mayor and Council for the sole purpose of receiving comments in reference to a proposed 2% in town water rate increase, a 4% out of town water rate increase, adoption of the General Fund and Enterprise Fund Budget, and the completion of the Town Hall ADA Project. The public hearing is scheduled pursuant to the provisions of the Annotated Code of Maryland and the Charter of the Town of Funkstown. The Mayor and Council will make a determination at a regular meeting following the Public Hearing held this evening.

Nobody was at the meeting, and no comments were received so the Public Hearing was closed.

The regular meeting was opened.

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman John Phillips, III to adopt the 2% water rate increase for in town residents, a 4% water rate increase for out of town residents, adoption of the General Fund and the Enterprise Fund Budget as presented. Unanimously approved.

A discussion was held regarding the Town Hall ADA project, which has been a huge successful. The use of the elevator has made the upstairs of Town Hall more available for Town events.


Councilman John Phillips discussed the re-enactment. The Town is still waiting on the fireworks permit. Fire wood will have to be purchased this year. There will not be a band this year. Councilman Phillips asked Councilman Rich Gaver to get some more tokens.

The Street Battle Permit from the State Highway Administration and School Use Overflow Permit from the Washington County School Board has been approved. The sani-pots and the water have been ordered.

The car show judges will be Mayor Paul Crampton, John Barr, and Jeff Cline.

Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott suggested hosting the MML dinner next year.

Mayor Paul Crampton stated that Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott has been elected as District MML President.


Motion was made by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, seconded by Councilman John Phillips, III to approve the bills. Unanimously approved.

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman John Phillips, III to adjourn. Unanimously approved.


                                                             Brenda L. Haynes, Clerk-Treasurer



MAY 9, 2016

The regular meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Monday, May 9, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Town Hall.

In attendance were Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr., Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, Terry Feiser, Barry Warrenfeltz, Rich Gaver, J.D. Taylor, and John Phillips, III.

Also in attendance were Dennis Weaver, Clerk of the Circuit Court; Sonja Feiser, Lee Feiser, Melanie Fleece, and Brenda Haynes, Clerk-Treasurer.

Swearing In Of Assistant Mayor and Council

The following Assistant Mayor and Council were sworn in as follows:

Sharon Chirgott – Assistant Mayor – Re-elected to a Four Year Term

John Phillips, III – Council Member – Re-elected to a Four Year Term

Barry Warrenfeltz – Council Member – Elected to a Four Year Term

Terry Feiser – Council Member – Elected to a Four Year Term

A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.


Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott to approve the minutes. Unanimously approved.

MML Dinner

A count was taken for the next MML Dinner to be held on Monday, May 23, 2016 at the Ramada Plaza in Hagerstown, MD. The Washington County Commissioners will be hosting the dinner.

The menu for the evening will consist of a buffet of Top Round of Beef au Jus, Stuffed Shells Baked, Seafood Newburg over Rice, Oven Roasted Potatoes, Green Beans, Cole Slaw and Strawberry Shortcake. There will be no charge for this meal and there will be a cash bar available.


Motion was made by Councilman J.D. Taylor, seconded by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott to keep the tax rate the same as last year. Unanimously approved.

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman J.D. Taylor to increase the in-town water rates by 2%, and the out-of-town water rates by 4%. Unanimously approved.


Motion was made by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz, seconded by Councilman Rich Gaver to pay the bills. Unanimously approved.


A lengthy discussion was held regarding the Re-enactment scheduled for July 16-17th. Councilman John Phillips, III stated that help is a big need this year. Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott stated that she will be available to help with registrations on Friday. The banners are in very bad condition. Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr. approved to purchase to banners

Councilman Rich Gaver stated that there will be a car show again this year.

Councilman Rich Gaver stated that the Henry Harp plaque is finished. The flag at the Memorial is coming along. A light will be added to the flag, and the light head will be changed to LED.

Councilman Rich Gaver stated that there are ten new birdhouses at the park. They were supposed to go to Virginia, but nobody returned their call.

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman J.D. Taylor to adjourn. Unanimously approved.


Brenda L. Haynes, Clerk-Treasurer




APRIL 18, 2016

The regular meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Monday, April 18, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Town Hall.

In attendance were Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr., Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, Luke Barnette, Robert Rodgers, Jr., Rich Gaver, and J.D. Taylor.

Also in attendance were Will Hildebrand, Barry Warrenfeltz, Lorraine Smith, Brian Binkley, and Brenda Haynes, Clerk-Treasurer.

A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.


Motion was made by Councilman J.D. Taylor, seconded by Councilman Rich Gaver to approve the minutes. Unanimously approved.

Funkstown Fire Company Donation Increase

Councilman Robert Rodgers, Jr. proposed the following increase to the fire company over the next several years:

Year Increase Total Donation
FY2017 $1,000. $6,000.
FY2018 $1,000. $7,000.
FY2019 $500. $7,500.
FY2020 $500. $8,000.
FY2021 $500. $8,500.
FY2022 $500. $9,000.
FY2023 $500. $9,500.
FY2024 $500. $10,000.


A lengthy discussion was held regarding the Town’s ability to be able to fund the increase.

Motion was made by Councilman Robert Rodgers Jr., seconded by Councilman J.D. Taylor to have the new Council make a decision to approve or disapprove.

AYES: Luke Barnette, J.D. Taylor, Robert Rodgers, Jr.

NOES: Sharon Chirgott, Rich Gaver

ABSENT: John Phillips, III

Motion approved.


Mr. Brian Binkley is representing Jokers. They are having a Poker Run on Saturday, May 14, 2016 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:50 a.m. The last bike is out at 12:00 noon.

Joker’s is asking permission to close the block of Antietam Street to hold events.

A lengthy discussion was held because four years ago a Poker Run was held and the block was closed, and several things occurred that the Town was not pleased with.

No Council Member was willing to make a motion to approve the street being closed for the event.

Mayor Crampton stated that the Town cannot stop the event, but how Joker’s handles the event will determine future cooperation with the Town.

Ms. Lorraine Smith asked the Mayor and Council to look at the corner of Chestnut Street and Antietam Street by her house. When trucks make the turn, they run over the curb and onto the grass area. The Mayor and Council will see if Columbia Gas can look at that area, since they are working there.

Will Hildebrand did his Eagle Scout project by constructing a pavilion at the park. The inspection is complete, and the Certificate of Occupancy has been issued. A total of 43 people worked on the project.

Motion was made by Councilman Luke Barnette, seconded by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott to put a plaque on the pavilion naming it Pavilion 23. Unanimously approved. Councilman Rich Gaver abstained from voting.


Mayor Crampton informed the Council to take home the budget for review.

The Enterprise Fund shows a two percent rate increase for water.

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman J.D. Taylor to proceed with raising the in town and out of town rates by two percent. Unanimously approved.


Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Luke Barnette to approve the bills. Unanimously approved.

Mayor Crampton thanked Robert Rodgers, Jr., and Luke Barnette for their service on the Council.

Councilman Luke Barnette stated that he has been maintaining the Facebook page. The Mayor and Council would like him to continue to maintain the page.


Brenda L. Haynes, Clerk-Treasurer




MARCH 14, 2016

The regular meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Monday, March 14, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Town Hall.

Also in attendance were Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr., Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, Robert Rodgers, Jr., Luke Barnette, Rich Gaver, J. D. Taylor, and John Phillips, III.

Also in attendance were Jamie Baker, Barry Warrenfeltz, and Brenda Haynes, Clerk-Treasurer.

A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.


Motion was made by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, seconded by Councilman Rich Gaver to approve the minutes. Unanimously approved.

Jamie Baker – Wagon TrainJamie Baker – Wagon Train

Mr. Baker is the director of the National Pike Festival and Wagon Train. This will be the twenty-eighth year. The event will be held on May 28 and 29, 2016.

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman John Phillips, III to allow the Wagon Train to camp out at the Funkstown Park on Saturday, May 28th. Unanimously approved.

Town Clean Up Date

The current waste collection company cannot assist the Town on the first week of May due to a conflict with their schedule.

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Luke Barnette to allow Mayor Crampton move forward with setting the date after the first week of May. Unanimously approved.

Constant Yield Tax Rate

The Constant Yield Tax Rate has been provided to the Town for fiscal year 2016-2017. The Rate has been set for 0.3659.


The Easter Egg hunt was a success.

Councilman Rich Gaver stated that the 2nd week of April the Eagle Scout project regarding the pavilion will be under roof.

Page 2

Councilman John Phillips, III gave an update on the Re-enactment scheduled in July.

Councilman Robert Rodgers, Jr. would like to budget the fire company a proposed raise. This proposed raise will be an increase until the donation reaching $10,000 a year.

Councilman Robert Rodgers, Jr. stated that he will be not running for Council this year.


Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Luke Barnette to pay the bills. Unanimously approved.

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Luke Barnett to adjourn. Unanimously approved.


Brenda L. Haynes, Clerk-Treasurer




FEBRUARY 8, 2016

The regular meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Monday, February 8, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Town Hall.

In attendance were Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr., Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, Robert Rodgers, Jr., Rich Gaver, Luke Barnette, and J.D. Taylor.

Also in attendance were Russell Neff , Jimmy Kershner, Travis Poole, Chris Rosenberry, Christopher Rosenberry, Jr., Nick Keller, Funkstown Fire Company, and Brenda Haynes, Clerk-Treasurer.

A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.


Motion was made by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, seconded by Councilman Rich Gaver to approve the minutes. Unanimously approved.

Mr. Russell Neff

Mr. Neff purchased the property at 102 East Baltimore Street for his business, Aladdin Awards. His customers use the rear of the property with the address as 103 East Chestnut Street. There is a twenty-five foot distance from the edge of his driveway to the house on the corner. With vehicles parking there, it makes it difficult for vehicles and delivery trucks to access the parking area.

Mr. Neff is requesting a No Parking Sign at the end of his driveway.

Councilman Rich Gaver will look at the area.

Jimmy Kershner – National Little League

Mr. Jimmy Kershner and Mr. Travis Poole represent National Little League. The Town has allowed National Little League to use the little league field at the Funkstown Park. Mr. Kershner apologized for the communication breakdown last year with the Town. Mr. Kershner communicated with Mr. Steve Sigler who also plans to use the little league field this year at the Funkstown Park.

National Little League has agreed to use the field for practice on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, and Mr. Sigler’s team will use the field on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Funkstown Fire Company

On behalf of the Town, Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr. presented Mr. Nick Keller the yearly donation check of $5,000.00.

Deed of Easement and Agreement – 13 East Maple Street

A Deed of Easement and Agreement for 13 East Maple Street has been prepared for the Mayor and Council’s review.

The Mayor and Council have not had an opportunity to review the request prior to the meeting.

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Robert Rodgers, Jr. to authorize Mayor Crampton to sign the paperwork after proper review. Unanimously approved.


Christopher Rosenberry, Jr. is working on his Eagle Project for the Boy Scouts. His project is a commercial flag pole.

Councilman Robert Rodgers, Jr. stated that a lot of tractor trailers have been driving on Westside Avenue. The Mayor and Council will have Councilman John Phillips work on possibly relocating the No Truck sign that is currently located on Westside Avenue.

Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott stated that the Funkstown Fire Company banquet was very nice.


Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman J.D. Taylor to pay the bills. Unanimously approved.

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Luke Barnette to adjourn. Unanimously approved.


Brenda L. Haynes, Clerk-Treasurer




JANUARY 11, 2016

The regular meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Monday, January 11, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Town Hall.

In attendance were Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr., Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, Robert Rodgers, Jr., Rich Gaver, J.D. Taylor, and John Phillips, III.

Also in attendance were Keith Reed, Barry Warrenfeltz and Brenda Haynes, Clerk-Treasurer.

A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.


Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman John Phillips, III to approve the minutes with the following correction: on page 2, change 129 rank advancements for the year 2015 to 29 rank advancements for the year 2015. Unanimously approved.

Artz Property

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott to pass an Ordinance authorizing acquisition of certain real estate pursuant to Maryland Local Government Law, Annotated. Unanimously approved.

Motion was made by Councilman John Phillips, III, seconded by Councilman Rich Gaver to pass an Ordinance authorizing the Town of Funkstown to enter into a Non-Exclusive Post Closing Occupancy Agreement in connection with its acquisition of certain real estate pursuant to Maryland Local Government Code, Annotated. Unanimously approved.

MML Dinner

A count was taken for the next MML Dinner to be hosted by the Town of Hancock on Monday, January 25, 2016. The meeting will be held at the Park-n-Dine Restaurant located at 189 East Main Street.

The social hour will begin at 6:00 p.m. followed by the evening meal at 6:45 p.m. The menu for the evening will consist of a Prime Rib Carving Station, Steamed Shrimp, Chicken Marsala, Panko Parmesan Crusted Fish, Multi-Grain Rice Pilaf, Roasted

Vegetable Medley, Roasted Red Potatoes with Herbs, Spring Salad Medley, and Drinks. The cost for this meal will be $30.00 per person.

Steve Sigler

Mr. Sigler sent an email with a list of additional questions regarding the use of the little league field. Mayor Paul Crampton asked Councilman John Phillips, III to contact National Little League and work out a schedule with Mr. Sigler’s 9U Travel Baseball team.

Keith Reed

Mr. Keith Reed addressed the Mayor and Council regarding an ongoing issue with drainage problems. A lengthy discussion was held regarding the improvements that were made to the parking lot area. Mr. Reed paved the parking lot and built a retaining wall. Councilman Rich Gaver stated he did not want to sound uncaring, but a drainage pipe should have been put in before paving the parking lot.

Councilman John Phillips, III stated that he will look at Stouffer Avenue in the morning, and get in contact with Mr. Reed.


The Mayor and Council will host a joint meeting with the County Commissioners on Tuesday, February 9, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at Town Hall.

A count was taken for the Funkstown Volunteer Fire Company Annual Awards Banquet on Saturday, February 6, 2016. The banquet will be held at the Hagerstown Elks Lodge #378. The doors open at 5:00 p.m. and the cash bar will be available at 5:00 p.m., followed by dinner at 6:00 p.m.


Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Robert Rodgers, Jr. to pay the bills. Unanimously approved.

Motion was made by Councilman John Phillips, III, seconded by Councilman Robert Rodgers to adjourn.


Brenda L. Haynes, Clerk-Treasurer
